Our Stance
We believe the beauty of bouldering lies in its simplicity and physicality. To go bouldering you need only chalk, a mat and shoes. With these three ingredients, a universe of movement is uncovered: twists, jumps, pulls, squeezes, stretches, rolls… you name it!
Despite this, the world of climbing media could not be more different. Nowadays, we spend increasing amounts of time overwhelmed by fast and vast fields of content, arriving on screens and quickly forgotten about. As climbers, we are out of touch with the stories of climbing. Yet climbing has always been about touch.
The intention of this magazine is to bring touch back into the equation. We want to create a physical magazine which can be held, folded, flicked and stacked on your shelf, somewhere where it won’t disappear. We want it to be a magazine to be read and re-read and shared around. And we want to bring climbers in touch with their beloved practice in a truer sense; with its stories, its beauty, its debates and its people.
Spotter magazine is an annual print production which hopefully does just this. Through a range of content - long-form interviews, creative photography, reflective opinion pieces and some silly bits in between - we hope to bring something both new and old to climbing media. Think of it as good old-fashioned reporting refashioned in a new light.
photo: Jon Tweedlie